Saturday, May 18, 2013

Scaling it down

Learning to Live without IT

Are you a scale addict? I know I am. Right before I step on it I feel like I am at a slot machine getting ready to put my money in the mouth of the beast, hoping it will pay off, dreading the inevitable "bust."

I am one step closer to completely ridding myself of my arch nemesis; especially after reading Jason Seibs blog post. I don't know whether to thank him or scream bloody murder over all the lost years spent stepping on and off the beast. Maybe I'll do both.

"Sooooooooo", you ask, "what EXACTLY is 'one step closer'"...? Well, it involves moving the darn thing from MY bathroom to another bathroom or bedroom in the house that I seldom visit. Hopefully out of sight out of mind. If I can just get through the morning without stepping on it I know I am safe for the rest of the day. You see, I am addicted to stepping on it ONLY in the morning and ONLY while only wearing my skivvies and currently where it sits, by my bathroom sink next to my closet (like the WORST PLACE EVER!) I feel the lure of it every morning. However, if I miss that morning deadline I will not go near it at all until the following morning.

"Why not get rid of it completely? Throw it out? Sell it at a yard sale?" you ask. Well, honestly - I'm just not ready yet. I want to wean myself off it. I am confident that there WILL be a time in the future when I can wave g'bye to it and when THAT day comes I will be sure to savor the moment and share it with you.

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